late in the afternoon
and as I went towards our altar
I was struck by how
the two candles were flickering
in complete unity with one another.
There is a candle at the back of the altar
(actually it's a "battery-candle")
in front of a picture that is said
to be a probable likeness of Jesus/Yeshua

and another at the front
which is a "prayer-candle"
for some special intentions at present.
What came to me was a picture of
the soul of the person in prayer
being so aligned with Everything
that the whole Divine Work and Joy
were permeating all of her
at every level, body and spirit.
I've just been in our mini-chapel at dusk
and saw another pattern between the flames -
they were moving in and out of "alignment"
in a kind of dialogue with each other.
I was struck by a further metaphor.
The candles, being battery-driven,
have individual batteries in them -
a metaphor for how we can see ourselves
each powered as by independent sources
and when we flicker in unison it can feel
as though it's more by happenstance
than by design.
But the batteries in our candles are
actually re-chargeable, and powered
by the same source.
I saw the play of coming in-and-out
of our connection to one another, and
how it is still about the ultimate resting
in a Source larger than ourselves,
and how we are an integrated part of
the Light that plays within us.
Without our light the play of light
cannot be, yet without the Source
there is no play at all!
And I saw how, when we allow ourselves
to be powered by the Source, then
we shine brightly in our own Light
and there is Life in abundance and Joy
and playfulness!

Dare we conceive of our own healing
as God playing in us for Joy?
Like Instruments of Divine music
open to being played with every fibre
of our being?
Where wouldn't the world we inhabit
be then?!
John O